Physically Red
- Morning
- Low energy (without reason)
- Solid
- Heavy
- Cool
- More sensations in the lower body
- Sticky
- Small range of movement
Physically Blue
- Fluid
- Strong
- Stable
- Relaxed
- Invigorated
- Rested
- Whole body awareness
- Balanced
- Flexible
- Open
- Capable
Physically Orange
- Mid-day
- Hot
- Swollen joints
- Hard
- Tense
- Amped up
- Most feelings in torso or belly
- Inflamed
- Fierce
- Body parts feel distinct and separate
Physically Purple
- Evening
- Cold
- Light
- Creaky stiff joints
- Weak
- Ungrounded
- Most sensations in head or extremities
- Twitchy
- Soft
- Achy
- Numb or tingly
- Tired (for a reason)
All Clouds Classes
Start standing and swaying and continue with soft continuous movements to quieting holds. Focus on grounding and support…
Full inner and outer hip opening with slow flow into stability. Chest openers help prepare us for king pigeon pose.…
Sa Ta Na Ma Kriya
Combine chanting with hand mudras.
Practice seated.
Video 9:49
Start on the back and gently build heat while exploring small movements and different ranges. Core, twists, balances, hips, and…
Movement Mindfulness with Optional Body Scan
Practice standing and reclining.
Video 13:27
Slow focused movements and standing balance poses. Practice tree, warrior 3, and eagle pose as we tap into our center.…
Physical Balance and Middle Breathing
Practice standing, seated, or reclined.
Video 8:17
Hi! I’m Leigh
I'm dedicated to exploring, practicing, and moving from the inner body. I've found that the inner expression of a yoga pose is the most powerful and effective path towards personal growth and a strong asana practice. I get my kicks helping people tap into their subtle body and their inner teacher.
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Connect to inner strength, support, & stability.
This free short tutorial gives you access to your core in a whole new way! Tap into the gentle power of your inner body.