Meditation Series

Enjoy an exploration into meditation and mindfulness and your own being with embodiment meditations.

All Levels.


February 21 – April 24

6:00 – 6:40 pm

You’ll begin with some gentle movements to arrive and settle. Then you’ll explore several different seated, reclined, or standing mediation techniques focused primarily on nonduality. The nonduality mediations bring you into the internal space of your body. Other meditation modalities will also be explored

Instead of trying to quiet the mind, allow yourself to be absorbed in the experience of being. It’s much easier to go towards something when meditating than to spontaneously turn everything off.

Enjoy moments of a more complete experience of the present moment.


Tap into deep internal connection and stability.


Play with your perception.


Sliding Scale $0- $10 per class.

Online Payment Option

If you’d like to use your punchcard credits towards meditation classes, please email me separately. I will need to manually deduct the number of credits you specify from your account.

If you prefer to pay cash, change will be available in class. Checks are also accepted.


Class will include some gentle movement, discussion, and several meditations of 3-35 minutes. You don’t have to follow along for the entirety and are always free to move or pause.

Chairs and yoga block options for sitting provided.

Please feel free to bring a yoga mat or blanket to sit on or whatever you need to find comfort.

Info on Asana Yoga Classes