
Nonduality, huh? What does that even mean?

Nonduality is the philosophy that underlying the diversity of everything we see and experience there is the same infinite and indivisible reality.

Still… huh? 

As far as the embodiment meditation practices I’ve been exploring for the last several years, nonduality or advaita vedanta philosophy, can be experienced by tapping into the space within ourselves and the space in the world around us at the same time. We recognize the sameness in all things even as we experience differences. This continuity of existence and experience creates a sense of connection and ease.   

Double huh??

You don’t need to understand nonduality to explore it. The practices are gentle and invite you to experience nonduality instead of intellectualizing it.

Do you want to feel more support, strength, fluidity, and comfort in your body?
Do you want to experience more beauty and ease?

Then Embodiment Practices and nonduality are for you!