Live Online

We will be interacting on Zoom and class size is limited to ensure personalized attention and quality instruction.

 Students and I have been so impressed with how classes are going online. I have seen huge progress in form, understanding, and abilities of students. Some of the growth may even be faster than with in-person classes. Maybe the cues are more refined or maybe students are naturally more responsive to verbal cues when they can’t rely on their other senses as much. Whatever it is, I am actually very pleased with online class and I regularly hear how impressed participants are with the individual guidance the receive as well. Thankfully, through online live classes I am still able to help each student access deep awareness and a sense of internal and interpersonal connection.

A bonus of the online format is that you’ll have access to repeat the yoga class or view anything you missed. All sessions (speaker view) will be recorded and available for viewing on demand for personal use for 3 months after completion.

Laptops or desktop computers with cameras work great. Ideally students have the ability to view a screen and be seen. I do pause class movements for demonstrations so you could come close to your device when needed. You can also pair a phone or other device with a camera to a TV.