Panic Tools

?Panic Tools?

Here are a few panic button options that may help you create a pause when feeling overwhelmed. The pause often slows or stops escalation and gives us a better chance to make an informed decision. The pause brings us back to the present from which we can care for ourselves and act on purpose. These practices are meant for when we aren’t in immediate danger, but we are freaking out.

?Apply pressure to your body. This can be pressing the palms together or against the body firmly, tapping the body, or GENTLY using foam rollers or massage balls.

?Notice your surroundings. Let your eyes soften into back into your head and feel the continuity of your eyes with the rest of your face. Allow everything you see in your field of view to come to you instead of seeking items out. (The way we see is light reflecting off objects and reaching our eyes.) You may be able to simply take in the surroundings and arrive at the present moment, or you may need to list off items that come into your field of view. This can be counting how many of one type object or color you see or listing everything in your field of view including walls, electric sockets, light switches, ceiling, and trim. Notice when your eyes start seeking and remind yourself to soften the back of the eyes and receive the information about your present tense surroundings.

⚖️Balance practices. Balance on one leg and move the arms around or try to set something down or pick something up while balancing on one leg. Balance a book on your head as you stroll around. Balance a ball on a book or block and move around trying not to drop the ball.

?Move your parts of your body in opposite directions or manners. One arm circles one way and the other arm circles the opposite. Rubbing your belly and patting your head is a great example. Switch.

?Notice the breath moving in your body and note that all things change. Use your breath specifically to notice and watch that you fill up and then you empty.

?Move gently and spontaneously watching the sensations of panic move through the body. Let it move around and disperse instead of being stuck in the heart, throat, gut, jaw, or head. Move like nobody is watching!

? Shake shake shake. Start shaking at your feet and let shaking move up and through your body. You can also lie down on your back and shake your arms and legs.

?Journaling, doodling or scribbling, screaming, singing, or dancing.

?Try to notice where you feel the emotion in your body.

⏹️Pause briefly at the end of your exhale. 

?Watch your breath hit the resistance of your emotions on either inhale or exhale. When the breath hits resistance, let the body move and expand in any and all directions to allow the breath to move. (scroll down for the embodiment practice)

?Smile at your humanness. Smile. Here we go again. Smile. We are human. Smile. Even without coronavirus, feeling all the feels keeps happening.


All of us have different needs, abilities, and ways to help us let emotions and experiences move through us. Each of us processes panic differently and one tool may work for some but not another. One tool may work for fear and another may be needed for grief. The more we can take care of ourselves, the more we can serve and help others.