Observing Our Tendancies

A Breath Test

Find a comfortable position with you’re spine long, strong, and supported in its natural curves.

Take a really large inhale, as big as you can.

Notice that the first part of the exhale is automatic or passive. You don’t have to engage any muscles or try, it simply happens. Then you get to the middle point where your lungs are equally firm but relaxed, sthira and sukham, from which point you must actively continue to exhale until you are completely empty.

Once you are completely empty, you automatically (passively) inhale until your lungs are at balanced tension and then you must actively inhale to accomplish your fullest inhalation.

Continue breathing for a few minutes and notice where your tendencies are. Some of us oscillate only between maximum inhalation and center. Some of us breathe between maximum exhalation and center. Some of us breathe evenly between the two.