Mondays & Wednesdays
March 25 – May 6, 2020
Offered at the Prince William Sound College
This is a continuation of our all levels semester class. Options are still presented for all levels and all body types. This class offers more variations and play within our practice than other classes and is appropriate for people who have taken the semester class previously or who have prior yoga experience. We will explore stages of inversions and arm balances in addition to our standard practice. The difference between a beginner and an intermediate student is not how large their pose is; an intermediate student knows when it is best for their bodies to stop. All non-beginning practitioners can thrive in this class!
Registration required.
Offered at the Prince William Sound College Health & Fitness Center.
You may register for credit through UAA:
Course #37619 Intermediate Yoga PER A220
You may register for the non-credit option at the Health & Fitness Center 907-834-1684.
$204 plus credit fees if applicable.