Yoga Meets Nondual Meditation
Depth, Access, and Explorative Play
This series is a rich combination of accessible yoga movements and nondual Realization Process (RP) meditations that promote strength, balance, vitality, depth, stillness, unity, and so much more. This innovative series will spark your curiosity and creativity as you play with practical skills:
Encourage Access to the Aliveness in Your Body
by developing a progressively deeper relationship with yourself.
Begin with easily perceptible sensations and add depth until you can access all of you.
Session 1: Thread of Continuity
Discover and follow the continuity within your own body and the continuity between yourself and the rest of the world.
Session 2: Receiving and Responding to Continuity
Experience a transformative shift in movement that uses the tension you feel to find the support, ease, and space you crave. Unravel fascia into luscious, full body experiences. Feel the forces of gravity, the earth, and your own movement rebound through your body.
Session 3: The Continuity of Space
Move with the ease and support of oneness. Don’t try harder, use less effort to get the same results.
Session 4: Balance, Stillness, and Consciousness
Experience the stillness of a balanced mind. Experience power and tenderness at the same time. BE powerful and tender at the same time. Access the healing and empowering gifts of wholeness.
You’ll move from the physical experiences in your fascia, muscles, and bones, into your joints and the space inside the joints. Eventually you’ll arrive in your wholeness where you can experience a sense of home and mental ease.
Cultivate a Sense of Self-Possession and Self-Confidence
by reclaiming the internal space of your whole body.
These practices will help you literally feel the internal space of your body so that you can inhabit it more fully. It’s way easier to get there if you know where you’re going 😉
Restore Trust in Your Inner Wisdom
by moving and receiving with your whole being.
Whether you’re brand new, or are already familiar with nondual meditation and RP, the physical practices and meditations you’ll learn in this series will deepen your access to fundamental consciousness and build your capacity to experience it.
You’ll walk away from the series with warm ups and training practices for embodiment the same way a pianist might practice scales before a performance and vocalists might do warm ups to activate full range and tone.
If you’ve been practicing RP and wondering if you’re really feeling some practice or just imagining it, this series of physical practices will give you palpable feedback so you know if you’re doing the practices or imagining them.
Woven through this meditative series are invitations to feel vibrantly alive, substantive and secure, and at home in your own body.
Appropriate for all bodies who are able to move between the floor and standing easily.
No prior meditation or yoga experience necessary.
What past participants have said…
This series includes the expanded and refined gifts of the Embodiment Practices that I’ve been all geeked out on for the last several years.
You’ll be in awe of your body and the experiences that unfold.
Live Online Every Other Sunday
January 19, February 2 & 16, March 2
9:00-11:00 am Alaska Standard Time
(10:00am-12:00pm Pacific Standard Time)
Minimum 6 – Maximum 15 Participants
Refund minus $25 administrative fee before January 8
Nonrefundable or transferrable after January 8
Classes recorded and available for personal use for 3 months.
Curious? Want a taste? Check out this 5 minute recording to experience the difference between awareness and embodiment.
Frequently Asked Question