Fascia Unraveled

An exploration of fascia in your body, yoga, and movement practices.

Fascia is connective tissue that surrounds, holds, and integrates your muscles, bones, and organs. Fascia infinitely connects each and every part of you into one complete form. This workshop develops an intellectual and embodied understanding of how your body balances and interrelates.


Improve the effectiveness and safety of
yoga, sports, training, and movement practices.

Create more mobility and ease in your body.

Gain tools to unravel tension and address pain.

Enhance your body’s reception to massage and bodywork.

Each session begins with an informative talk to develop a deeper understanding of the vastness and significance of fascia’s function and form, followed by a practice to help us feel and integrate our new body perception.

Session 1

Connected as One.

Our discussion begins by highlighting basic fascia types and how fascia functions as the largest sense organ in the body. We’ll use ball rolling techniques to explore our myofascial, or muscle, layer and feel the connection between all parts of our body. This evening’s class is a luxurious opportunity to improve mobility and ease in our bodies.

Leave with your own pair of rolling balls and the inspiration and knowledge to use them.


Integration in Action

Here we delve into fascia as a support and tension system that holds us together and keeps us safe and springy. During our morning yoga practice we will tap into this fascial support system to help soften tension. Learn to use the whole body to increase space, stability, fluidity, and function.

Learn movement methods for long term mobility and health.


Slide and Glide

Get in deep. We’ll develop an understanding of the origin of fascia and then feel its subtleties within our body. This practice includes breath work and lots of time with gentle movements lying on our mats. We are sure to feel blissful after this restoring exploration of slide and glide and joint mobility.

Discover how to feel what’s going on in your body on a deeper level.


Receive and Expand

Gain skills to soften tension and help ease pain.

This is an opportunity to tap into yourself in an entirely new way!

Set of Fascial Rolling Balls Included!

($50 value)

This workshop has evolved into

Moving Into Being

Tuesdays August 6-27, 2024

8:30-10:30 Alaska Standard Time

Sessions are designed to be physically and mentally  sustainable.